This week, Pastor Tom continues in our serious of Refreshing Friendships, encouraging us that refreshing friends stand with each other. *Disclaimer* We apologize for the poor quality recording. Our recording software crashed suddenly this week.
This week at Chi Alpha, the students took the stage for Student Led Service! In this message, Stephen's College President, Tia Baker, shares her heart about how worrying can be an incredible detriment to our spiritual walk. But with release of control to Jesus, there is freedom!
As a kick off to this year first Chi Alpha service, Pastor Tom Trask reveals this year's theme of Refresh, and the importance of knowing who the Shepherd is.
For the last message of the school year, Pastor Tom shares with the students the importance of our destiny. He talks about how we spent the entire year hearing messages and sitting through life groups, now we have to address what we're going to do with it.
Are you a Mary or a Martha? This week, Pastor Tom looks at Luke 10 to identify both Martha and Mary's perspective towards Jesus. He also allowed the students the opportunity just sit at Jesus' feet and step away from doing so often.
This week at Chi Alpha, staff member Morgan Malloy kicks off a new series called, "Mary, Did You Know?" In this message, she looks at Jesus' mother Mary and her fierce ability to have courageous obedience in the face of an unfathomable situation.